Dear Christian yoga teacher

Dear Christian yoga teacher, 


Know your why. Write it down. Memorize it. 

Every day you feel like quitting, read it out loud.

Read it as many times as you need, then show up to your class. 


Armor up. This space is a work. With every great work comes a real enemy looking to take you out. Be ready to get flames thrown at you that you never knew existed. 


Remember who you belong to. 

Some Christian friends will not agree with this calling, which will hurt. 

Love them anyway and understand people fear what they do not understand. 

It is not your job to “school” people about why Christians practice yoga. It is your job to point them to the Lord in your responses, actions, and social media posts. 

Do not feel like you have to defend teaching yoga. 

The Lord called you to this, and His approval is all you need. 


The world will tell you that you are misappropriating. They will tell you that you cannot be a Christian who teaches yoga.

.Know your why and be one anyway.

The world is searching and if they engage with you on this subject there is no better witness than how you respond to them.

Always point them in some way to the Lord. 

Remember, you do not stand before the world at judgment, you stand before God. 

People will enter your class looking for peace, hope, comfort, purpose, and rest. 

The Holy Spirit is the only fulfillment of those things and much more.

Your words and actions matter to those living in darkness.  


The yoga industry is hard.  


Some churches will reject you.

Some studios will reject you. 

Other religions will reject you. 

Other teachers will reject you. 

Rejection is so hard. 

But you were made for hard things. 


The Christian yoga arena is challenging.

Brands are divided like denominations in the church. 

Unethical practices exist here also.

Abuse of power is a real thing.

The misuse and twisting of the holy scriptures are on every corner. 

The word Christian can mean all sorts of different things.


BUT As for you, I urge you to be obedient to God’s word and walk with integrity no matter the cost.

If they kick you out of their “family” remember there will come a day when ALL believers sit at the table of the Lord in Heaven together. 

If someone removes your seat at their table, take it as an opportunity to serve people instead of sitting.

Love them, despite them. Forgive your fellow brothers and sisters seventy times seven. Turn the other cheek.

Forgive those who know better and remember we were all once in the same place drinking that same milk.


Do not stop serving the Lord. Plant His seeds in every class you teach. 

Make sure you can’t see through your yoga pants before you purchase them. 

Extend grace to those in your class who do not know you can see through their yoga pants. ;) 


Yoga teacher that loves Jesus… you are on a Mission. The mission is the same for us all. To show the light of Christ in us to a dark world. You have chosen a yoga mat as your office and the yoga practice as your method. 

Stay the course no matter how hard it gets. Abide in the vine every moment, and you will see Him grow the fruit of this calling right before your eyes. 


The light in me is the light of Jesus Christ. That light honors and prays blessings over each of you. 

Sincerely, Sally


  • So well said Sally!! Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and strength so openly in your journey. It helps a lot, it really does!!!! Can’t wait for in person hugs!!! :) March 2025 come on, we’re ready!!!

  • Thank you again for this Sally! I can just read it over and over!

    Lori Clark
  • Thank you for this. I so need this.

  • Beautiful words Sally, thank you!!!

  • Preach it sister, I agree this is a fantastic message, especially the part about the yoga pants. LOL.

    Carol Johnson

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